Monday, 13 June 2011

it's good to be yourself

something bad happened to me last night and I praise to God as He still want me to live. Thank you everyone for the advice. always stick with this words, Every time you cry, remember that your guardian angel is always there to catch the tears when they fall. that makes me more stronger.

an advice will work it, beautiful is a subjective matter, you dont have to be someone else just to look beautiful. wrong indeed.copycat other style will make you become more worse and ugly, thats the fact, only you know how to style yourself

"You can't listen to other people if you want style. You have to listen to yourself"-Isaac Mizrahi

good night everyone and have a nice day. with love, eisya syakira


  1. yeah,. be strong on whatever happen. by the way, lawa tuan blog ni.

  2. yes u r..must be ourselves that is most important..:)

  3. lawa akak sy shuke style akak :) love ur style :)
